
Decisions Decisions

Decisions Decisions. Inflatable Boat CAD designs. Choosing the right size and dimensions to have built

Decisions Decisions

Deciding what length SIB to have designed

So I posted a survey on the Facebook group asking members various questions about SIB’s, what they thought was needed, their preferences, experiences and general thoughts on all things related to the sport so I could get an insight on what visitors might want from the website.

Some very interesting results came in, including the preferred length of a SIB which made me rethink the sizes I should get made up in the new IBA design.

I wanted to ask 2 major defining questions to help decide what size boats to focus on.

How many of you use your SIB? With the following options..

Just me mainly – Me and one other mainly – More than 3 of us mainly

Decisions decisions. The results were..

Just me 32% – Me and one other 51% – More than three 6% – Other 11%

But, when asked what length of SIB would you buy?, the results were

3.8m – 21%

4.0m – 18%

3.2m – 15%

3.6m – 13%

3.4m – 11%

Decisions decisions

So the most popular lengths were 3.8m to 4.0m with 3.2m in third spot.

My thought process was to have something light enough to carry on your own and yet big enough to carry 2 people (with tackle). Decisions decisions eh!!

Air decking was tops when asked which type of flooring you would prefer but not that much higher than Ali/wood decking. 50% to 43% respectively.

So despite the majority wanting over 3.6m in length (52%), people still mainly use their SIBs either on their own or with one other person so taking into account I only intend to, for now, have air decks made up, I’m still undecided on which lengths to opt for.

Bare in mind that an air deck over 3.8m will have it’s rigidity compromised.

A 3.8m or 4.0m SIB with Ali/wood flooring is going to be very hard to put together on your own so this is why I think 3.2m would be ideal. The survey results didn’t quite reflect the logic there.

Decisions Decisions … Hmm it’s a tough call.

Join our Facebook Group and follow other SIB fishing enthusiasts sharing tips, techniques, trips out and more.

Follow my journey and see how I grew Inflatable Boat Fishing from scratch in the ‘About Us’ page. 

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